

According to Luyen and others in his illegal cooking-team, they mixed a lot of animal bones (which are usually eaten and discarded) such as dog bones, pig bones, buffalo bones, and cow bones into the pot “tiger bone medicine”.

According to a long-standing folk understanding and according to the sweet words of today’s merchants, tiger bone glue is cooked for 7 days and nights from dried tiger bones and added a little turtle shell, monkey bone and chamois to balance “yin and yang”, reciprocal, increase the power of the “elixir”.

This rumor itself has not been based on any scientific basis, but it has been applied for many years to produce batches of “panacea” tiger bone glue.

In addition to the ruthless tricks of the tiger smuggling lines (Bait and Switch, dropping many additives and toxic chemicals into a high pot), tiger bone glue just came into the hands of fickle consumers pushing them into the loss of money.

From the advertisements for tiger bone glue and tiger products on social networks, through various relationships, after a long investigation, the group of reporters approached many tycoons of tiger bone glue, tiger skin, infamous tiger taxidermy.

In early 2022, in the mountainous district bordering Vietnam – Laos of Ha Tinh province, a man named Nguyen Van Tam took us to visit his monumental “home”.

Tiger bone glue is stored in a locked wooden cabinet, Tam brings it out to display on the table. The “black market” price of a tiger skin set of 150 million VND was hung on the wall by Tam. “Lord of the jungle” stuck out its tongue, bared its fangs, and sharpened its claws, “crawling” from the ceiling down to the drinking table.

Tam said: “My family has a tiger farm in Laos, hundreds of them, we cook by ourselves, 35 million VND/hectogram”.

Photos of “tycoons” posted to groups. On the floor there are 7-8 tigers that no longer move.

He told me to cook tiger bone glue continuously. Since meeting until now, many times Tam has texted that he is cooking a new pot and urged us to buy goods.

In Do Thanh commune, Yen Thanh district, Nghe An province, in mid-2021, subject Nguyen Van M. led us to visit a bed with ivory and rhino horns hidden. The tiger’s claws are full in the freezer. He revealed the story of specializing in cooking for “rich people”, giving them as gifts.

The guide, the centipedes trading tigers in this village boasted: The tiger cubs were imported from Laos, they raised them, and at the same time brought them to the householders to raise and then pay for their products in a “cooperative” fashion.

The pictures of the “tiger bone glue” pots, the list of “tiger bones medicine”that the group of people showed us were all quite… beautiful, sometimes packed into square wooden boxes with the words “tiger bones medicine” engraved very professionally. eye-catching.

Newspapers have reported on the arrest of rare animal butchers, but many people still do not come to their senses. In the photo are the objects and exhibits in the case of buying a 145 kg tiger to cook in Thanh Hoa in May 2022

In this Do Thanh commune, our videos and audio recordings have recorded many “horrifying” stories related to illegal tiger farming, tiger trafficking and tiger killing.

At the beginning of August 2021, Nghe An Provincial Police mobilized hundreds of officers and soldiers to suddenly storm in and rescue 17 adult tigers (2-3 quintals each) being illegally kept in captivity in two households.

Currently, all subjects have been sentenced to prison. This “tip of the iceberg” gives us a more complete and convincing view of tiger trafficking.

Tigers are illegally kept in a dark cellar in Yen Thanh district, Nghe An province in August 2021. Can tigers raised in “hell”, eating dirty, using many growth stimulants can produce high-quality batches? (Photo: Mr. Chien).

Most of the subjects we interacted with had “tiger bones medicine” on display for sale, and especially, they saved images of killing tiger bone glue cooked on phones and computers. In particular, like “boss” Son in Gia Lam, Hanoi, he also offers many “goods” that seem very convincing such as bottles of wine soaked in tiger bone medicine.

To convince, we “joint money” to cook a tiger, Son (although he claimed to have “retired”), he kept sending pictures of him and his accomplices killing whole tigers.

He also brought us into contact with some of the people who had been his “bone glue cook” for many years, whose stories couldn’t have been more vivid.

Of course, whether they cook real tiger soup or just take from other cooks to sell for a profit, that’s still a mystery.

According to Luyen, a “boss” who both hunts and trades tigers in Phu Tho, which we have followed closely for many years, the photos and videos that the seller of “tiger bone medicine” offers to people. consumption, can be just collage images, sophisticated photoshop.

That image, maybe the subjects took from someone, somewhere and claimed to be “the tiger I just killed, the bone glue pot I just cooked”.

Subject T. – tiger trader operating in the Northeast: Cao Bang, Bac Kan, down to Thai Nguyen, Hanoi.

Or, they just cook a bone glue pot of tiger with a tiger illegally raised in “hell in the ground” (tigers are bred inbreeding, eat dirty, toxic things, tigers barely see the light for the rest of their lives). And then record videos, take photos, sell bone glue… cattle, dogs, pigs all year round at sky-high prices.

Meaning: The image of the floor full of tiger carcasses, the boiling pot of tigers may just be a screen for them to sell poor quality bone glue.

According to Luyen, the images of killing tigers are always used by him as a front to create trust with all kinds of customers. He and many other traders, when they were “friendly” with the group of reporters, both admitted that they even used anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, opium (stimulants) to drop into the tiger pot, in order to create euphoria and a false sense of “effectiveness” for “panacea”.

The objects are very sophisticated, selling tiger bone glue with cooking utensils is perfect to convince users.

“Having bone pain, drinking tiger bone glue containing Western pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs and adding opium will relieve pain immediately. When you are tired, there are stimulants (contained in tiger bone glue) to feel excitement”, Luyen said.

According to Luyen and some of his illegal tiger-cooking team, they mix a lot of animal bones (which are usually eaten and discarded) such as dog bones, pig bones, buffalo bones, and cow bones into the “tiger bone medicine” pot.

Luyen is a tycoon who cooks tigers, hunts wild animals mixed in high pots. He always collects “magic” videos, cuts them together as bait to create faith, then cooks tiger bones with bones of cattle, dogs and cats to pretend to be “tiger bones medicine”.

The man “specialized in bone glue cooking” named Tinh (in Phu Tho) boasted: “When they see firsthand the scene of meat removal, bone cooking, bone glue cooking once, then the next time selling … poor quality goods are extremely easy”.

When there is “trusted”, there is a picture of a bone glue pot sent through social networks to consumers, then the subjects are comfortable selling all kinds of goods.

Baby monkeys are for sale, we went to a village in Ha Tinh to see the goods. Monkey bones and tiger bones cooked tiger bones medicine.

A simple calculation, everyone knows, wild tigers in Vietnam nobody’s sure if there are any individuals left. Since 1999, no scientist has recorded any traces of wild tigers in our country, neighboring countries are also rare and their tiger protection is very strict.

So, where do you get so many tigers that the pot of tiger bone glue is constantly “boiling”, “red on fire” on social networks and in many residential areas (which the police constantly arrest)?

So, as the subjects of bone glue cooking admit, first, bone glue dogs and cats, pretending to be tigers, videos are old images or collages to offer. Second, illegally bred tigers are very toxic and certainly have no effect on human health.

Third, they sell indiscriminately on social networks, selling the “ear-leak” style in folklore, so why sell good quality bone glue? The price of one ounce of tiger bone glue cooked with tiger bones (illegally raised tigers) is also several tens of millions of dong. So, where to get tigers for the subjects to sell 7 million and then 10 million VND/hectogram?

According to many experts, firstly, illegally bred tigers are fed rancid meat, dirty food, frozen slaughter, and continue to be impregnated with dangerous preservatives, so even the high pot is cooked with The bones of the tigers mentioned above are also very toxic.

In order to serve the poor quality tiger bone glue pots, many other rare animals were also slaughtered and mixed in.

In early 2022, authorities caught Mr. Ngo Van Quan, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Tien Phong commune, Pho Yen district, Thai Nguyen province, killing tigers, cooked tiger bone glue at home. Before that, the subjects who electrocuted and killed tigers at home in Huong Son, Ha Tinh province were also severely handled.

Objects who transport and cook tiger bone glue in Thuong Xuan district, Thanh Hoa province are also caught in the law. Especially the record event in Vietnam: People’s Court of Nghe An province sentenced those who illegally raised 17 adult tigers and illegally transported 7 cubs with a sentence of nearly 20 years in prison.

Those are heartbreaking proofs of the trade, captivity, cooking and slaughtering of the “king of the jungle”, the trick of enchanting mixed pots to deceive consumers that are taking place silently every day.

Source: Dan Tri

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