The Reality and Impact of “Plastic Addiction”
Did you know that we’re living in a world drowning in plastic waste? Each year, Vietnam discards about 1.8 million tons of plastic waste, but only 27% of it is recycled. These figures are just a few examples of our country’s alarming “plastic addiction.” Let’s take a closer look at some shocking statistics about this issue!

Each year, Vietnam discards about 1.8 million tons of plastic waste, but only 27% of it is recycled. (Photo:
As mentioned, according to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam discards about 1.8 million tons of plastic waste annually. However, only 27% of this is recycled, while the rest is discarded, putting a heavy burden on the ecosystem. With such alarming figures, the need to change our plastic consumption habits is urgent!
In particular, each year, Vietnamese people use up to 30 billion plastic bags, but over 80% of them are discarded after a single use. We continuously use and discard plastic bags carelessly without thinking about the consequences for the environment.
According to the IUCN, Vietnam is among the top 4 countries with the highest total amount of plastic waste discharged into the sea. Vietnam’s plastic waste accounts for about 6% of the global amount of plastic waste in the ocean. Are we perhaps overly dependent on single-use plastics and inadvertently becoming “plastic addicts”?
Not only does it cause severe damage to the environment, but single-use plastic also poses serious health risks to humans. The WWF states that each person consumes an average of 5 grams of plastic per week – equivalent to a credit card!
According to Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the concentration of microplastics in the body can cause oxidative stress, leading to an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, causing inflammation and affecting brain and epithelial cells. Moreover, BPA (a plastic hardening agent) in microplastics can affect the nervous system, liver function, and even fetuses.
Humans are not the only victims of plastic waste. At least 270 species have been injured by entanglement with plastic, and 240 species have ingested plastic (WWF, 2019). Many have suffered painful deaths when plastic blocks their airways and stomachs. Isn’t it heartbreaking?
By 2050, researchers predict that 99% of seabirds will have plastic in their bodies. Ingesting plastic reduces the lifespan and reproductive ability of birds, causing many species to become extinct. (WWF Australia)
Given this alarming and increasingly urgent situation, a “secret” event will be held in Ho Chi Minh City, promising to provide you with a wealth of information and exciting activities. Don’t forget to follow Choice’s Facebook page for the latest updates on this event!
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