

Receiving information that a facility in Ha Tinh city violated the law on storing and processing wild birds, the functional forces conducted an inspection, made a record, and requested the local government to temporarily keep material evidences for handling according to the provisions of law.

Through the inspection, the owner of the establishment could not produce documents proving the origin of the sedges.

On the morning of September 6, the interdisciplinary inspection team of Ha Tinh City, in collaboration with the Mobile Ranger Team and the Forest Fire Prevention and Control Department, under the Ha Tinh Forest Protection Department, caught the incident of storing and processing wild birds in Van Yen Ward.

The incident was discovered by functional forces at Huy Hang restaurant (address 37, 26/3 street, Tay Yen residential group, Van Yen ward, Ha Tinh city) by Nguyen Thi Hang (SN 1993, resident of Thach Lac commune, Ha Tinh province). Thach Ha district, Ha Tinh province) owns and is storing and preliminarily processing 5 kg of wild birds.

According to the owner’s report, at about 7:30 a.m. on September 5, he went to the market of Ha Tinh city to buy from an unknown woman 20 birds (identified as wild sedges) with the amount of 800 thousand copper, brought to preliminary processing. The owner of the establishment then posted the information on his personal Facebook page to sell to customers.

Upon receiving the information, the functional forces conducted an inspection, but the owner of the establishment could not produce documents proving the origin of the above mentioned sedge birds. The delegation made a record and requested the local government to temporarily seize the material evidence for handling in accordance with the law.

Functional forces check and seize tools to trap wild birds in Dong Mon commune, Ha Tinh city in August 2022

Previously, Ha Tinh City has coordinated with Ha Tinh Forest Protection Department to inspect and handle illegal bird hunting in communes and wards in the city. The delegation recovered illegal bird hunting tools and signed a commitment with local authorities to manage, protect and handle organizations and individuals that commit violations on illegal wild bird hunting locality.

Source: Ha Tinh newspaper

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