

Many bones of rare and precious animals such as Moldy Monkey, Red-faced Monkey, Yellow Monkey, Son Duong, Brown-shanked Douc… are on the list of endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection that the subjects are transporting for consumption. was found and arrested.

On May 7, the police of Bo Trach district, Quang Binh said that the unit decided to prosecute the accused and detained for 4 months Mai Thanh Hung (SN 1992), residing at TDP Cu Lac 1, town Phong Nha, Bo Trach district for the crime of “violating regulations on protection of endangered and rare animals”.

Accordingly, during the patrol and control process on provincial road 562 belonging to Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, the task group of Ranger Station No. 6 of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park Forest Protection Department discovered a truck with license plate number 73C-067.00 driven by Mai Thanh Hung carrying 38 kg of bones and horns of wild animals and 0.7 kg of pangolin scales.

Subject Mai Thanh Hung listened to the prosecution for the crime of “violating regulations on protection of endangered and rare animals”.

The results of the survey have determined the name, type, quantity and volume of each type that Hung transported, including: 5.9 kg of bones of the Moldy Monkey, the Red-faced Monkey and the Yellow Monkey; 31.4 kg of chamois bones, 0.7 kg of brown-shanked douc bones and 0.7 kg of yellow pangolin’s scales, are all on the list of endangered, precious and rare species prioritized for protection.

At the functional agency, Mai Thanh Hung confessed that the above forest animal products were purchased by 3 unknown people at the Vietnam-Laos border patrol road area, Thuong Trach commune, Bo Trach district to make medicines.

Source: CAND

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