
Thua Thien hue: 50 restaurants pledged to protect wildlife

The Forest Protection Department of Thua Thien Hue province coordinated with WildAid Vietnam and CHOICE Not-for-Profit Company to implement activities to check wildlife violations at 50 restaurants in the province. All restaurants have signed pledges to protect wildlife and say “No” to the consumption of bushmeat.

Conference to disseminate legal documents on wildlife in Thua Thien Hue province.

Restaurant inspection activities and pledge signing

The Forest Protection Department has cooperated with WildAid Vietnam and CHOICE Not-for-Profit Company to establish survey teams and inspect restaurants. Participating in the inspection team were the Mobile Forest Ranger Team and Forest Fire Prevention and Fighting Team No. 1, No. 2, Hue City Forest Ranger District, Huong Thuy Town Forest Ranger District, and the inspection process was recorded by Thua Thien Hue Provincial Television Station.

Restaurants signed pledges to protect wildlife.

The restaurants all cooperated well and voluntarily opened the freezers where food is stored for the purpose of inspection. Through examination, only 2 cases with signs of wildlife violations were discovered. The restaurant owners have pledged to alleviate the issue by removing bushmeat dishes from the menu and removing bushmeat advertisement posters.

Restaurants are encouraged to “say No” to bushmeat trade and consumption.

Encouraged by the inspection team, all 50 restaurants in Thua Thien Hue province actively signed a commitment to say “No” to wild animals.

Restaurants fully complied with the inspection team.

Conference to disseminate legal documents on wildlife in Thua Thien Hue

Following the success of restaurant survey and inspection activities, the Conference to disseminate legal documents on wildlife in Thua Thien Hue province was deployed on December 22, 2023. The conference attracted the participation of restaurant owners, representatives of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Information and Communications, Forest Protection Department, personnel of tourism companies and relevant agencies.

At the Conference, delegates were informed about the legal provisions on wildlife protection, and continued to sign a commitment to protect wildlife and say “No” to the consumption of bushmeat and other wildlife products.

The conference also evaluated the situation of handling violations regarding wildlife protection in the province in the last three years and discussed solutions and coordination mechanisms between parties in organizing propagate, mobilize commitments, control and prevent acts of hunting, catching, trapping, trading, transporting and consuming wildlife.

The conference attracted the active participation of representatives of restaurants and relevant agencies.

The Restaurant Inspection activities and Conference have contributed to raising awareness among restaurant owners and the community about the importance of protecting wildlife. This is an important step in stopping the trade and consumption of wildlife, contributing to the protection of biodiversity and public health.

List of restaurants who pledged to protect wildlife

  1. Chân Quê Restaurant
  2. Làng An Việt Restaurant
  3. Sơn Hải Restaurant
  4. Lúa Mới Restaurant
  5. Chân Đồi Restaurant
  6. Hoa Viên Restaurant
  7. Restaurant No. 52
  8. Góc Phố Restaurant
  9. Phố Biển Restaurant
  10. Biển Ngọc Restaurant
  11. Tân Đông Dương Restaurant
  12. Nhật Phương Restaurant
  13. Su Mô Restaurant
  14. Ngọc Restaurant
  15. Lâm Lê Restaurant
  16. Nhị Hồ Restaurant
  17. Hai Cây Xoài Restaurant
  18. Thái Sơn Restaurant
  19. Miếu Đôi Restaurant
  20. Minh Ngọc Restaurant
  21. Hoa Sơn Quán Restaurant
  22. Tre Xanh Restaurant
  23. Tre Vàng Restaurant
  24. A Sơn Restaurant
  25. Hoàng Nhi Restaurant
  26. Quán Bình Restaurant
  27. Thiên Phú Restaurant
  28. Lascento Restaurant
  29. Định Quán Restaurant
  30. Happy Quán Restaurant
  31. Điền Trúc Quán Restaurant
  32. Phạm Thị My Eatery
  33. Thủy Lương Quán Restaurant
  34. Phước Ánh Restaurant
  35. Đại Giang Quán Restaurant
  36. Nét Việt Restaurant
  37. Hội Quán Restaurant
  38. Thành Quán Restaurant
  39. Tân Lá Đỏ Restaurant
  40. Như Ngọc Quán Restaurant
  41. Ven Quán Restaurant
  42. Hồ Quán Restaurant
  43. Huy Hoàng Restaurant
  44. Vườn Đào Restaurant
  45. Thỏ Đế Vương Restaurant
  46. Vườn Liễu Restaurant
  47. Cây Sung Quán Restaurant
  48. View Sông Quán Restaurant
  49. Hương Đồng Restaurant
  50. Quốc Kệ Restaurant

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