

Collaborating with foreigners, many subjects have created lines to smuggle wild animals (wildlife) from abroad to Vietnam in order to make illicit profits. Performing criminal acts, although the methods and tricks of the “bosses” are increasingly sophisticated, they cannot overcome the scouts of the Police, Border Guard and other functional forces.

Authorities caught the illegal sale and transportation of ivory.

Reveal the tricks and tricks

In recent years, functional forces have continuously discovered many cases of buying and transporting wildlife in large quantities from Africa to Vietnam through Tien Sa seaport. It is worth mentioning that the leaders have set up smuggling lines with extremely sophisticated tricks. Through investigating the case, the functional forces have clarified the tricks of the smugglers, most of which are tricks to use the identity cards of many people to set up many “ghost” companies. ” to cover the eyes of the authorities.

Typically, the case was discovered on March 26, 2019, Da Nang Customs Department coordinated with the Environmental Police Department – (Da Nang City Police) and other functional forces to search the shipment belonging to the bill of lading. number MAT 800013200 was transported on board the imported ship SUNSHINE BANDAMA to Tien Sa port on March 20, 2019 of Tam Kieu Co., Ltd (registered at Dien Ban Town, Quang Nam). The functional force seized the container bearing the number PCIU 345028 containing 9,124 kg of ivory.

Similarly, on July 17, 2021, right after it was reported that a shipment arrived at Tien Sa port with signs of violation, the Da Nang Customs Department presided over and coordinated with the Anti-Smuggling and Investigation Department, the Police Department Environmental monitoring, Da Nang City Police, Coast Guard Region 2 Command and Da Nang Port Border Guard Station (City Border Guard) searched containers when declaring customs with the status of importing timber from Africa to Vietnam. Male. Through inspection, the inter-agency force discovered more than 138kg of animal horns suspected to be rhino horns, more than 3.1 tons of tiger bones. The above goods are packed in cardboard boxes, wrapped tightly with nylon ropes of different sizes, types and weights, which are stowed in the container.

Most recently, on January 5, 2022, the functional forces also uncovered the smuggling of more than 456kg of ivory and 6,232kg of pangolin scales. The consignor is identified as Cargo Trade Nigeria Limited (Nigeria), the consignee is Quang Nhat Long Co., Ltd (located in Hai Chau District, Da Nang City).

A case of smuggling rhino horns and pangolin scales from abroad to Tien Sa port was dismantled by functional forces.

Strongly handle the leader

In order to strongly handle those who have smuggled acts, at the end of June 2022, the Economic Police Department – Da Nang City Police arrested Nguyen Duc Tai (33 years old, from Ha Tinh province) for the act of smuggling. : “Violation of regulations on protection of endangered and rare animals”. Tai was identified as the mastermind of the smuggling case discovered on July 17, 2021 and January 5, 2022. Through searching Tai’s residence, the police force seized many related exhibits, including a large bag containing pangolin scales.

Initially, Tai confessed that he was hiding it to make samples and offer it to traders for consumption. Thus, the functional forces have seized a total of 138,784 kg of rhino horn, 3,108 kg of lion bones, 456.9 kg of ivory, and 6,232 kg of pangolin scales. It is estimated that the total value of the above goods is up to 300 billion VND.

According to the assessment of the authorities, rhino horn, ivory, pangolin scales illegally imported from African countries to Vietnam are mainly sold to China, Laos and Cambodia. Due to the fact that in recent years, the competent forces of the countries have strengthened the inspection and handling of smuggling of these items, so on the black market, they are sold at sky-high prices.

According to statistics from the wildlife violation database of the Center for Nature Education, from 2018 up to now, nearly 60 tons of ivory and pangolin scales have been discovered and seized in areas. seaports of Vietnam. However, it is not easy to investigate, arrest and handle the leaders of large-scale wildlife trafficking lines with transnational elements because they do not directly carry out customs procedures. agencies or participate in the smuggling process such as collection, packaging, transportation.

Ms. Bui Thi Ha – Deputy Director of the Center for Nature Education, said: It is very important to seize tens of tons of wild animals that are illegally trafficked and transported. However, it is time for us to look at the problem beyond that it is not enough just to seize the exhibits, but to strictly handle all the involved subjects, especially the “boss”.

“Only when the leaders are dealt with harshly, can we show these and others the deterrence as well as the risks from profitable trading activities. this particularly great injustice,” said Mrs. Ha.

Source: Công an Đà Nẵng

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