

Regarding the ‘Dien Quang light bulb factory illegally discharging waste into the environment incident’, Dong Nai environmental police have opened their eyes and discovered more than 42 crimes of hazardous waste at this factory.

Representatives of the Dong Nai Department of Natural Resources and Environment take samples of the solution from the area where the light bulb mill is handled in the Lamp Factory – Photo: B.A.

On April 24, the Environmental Police Department of Dong Nai Province Police said that after 2 days of labeling, more than 42 hazardous treatment agents were detected at the Tube Lamp Factory (Road No. Bien Hoa City).

42 tons of hazardous waste including more than 27 tons of waste glass in the yard and nearly 15 tons of submerged water in the concrete tunnel in the factory.

Police forces exploiting underground tunnels containing dangerous failures in the factory – Photo: B.A.

Through a quick test, the wastewater has a pH exceeding 7 times the allowable, and the bulb housing contains mercury and sulfur, which if not treated properly, will be very toxic.

The functional forces and the factory of the lamp system will hand over all the best waste to a hazardous waste treatment unit in Vinh Cuu district to collect.

In April 25, the police force will continue to distribute and exploit at some other questionable locations inside the factory to expand the investigation.

Source: Bao Tuoi Tre

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