

Taking advantage of the dark night, a group of people from Cambodia illegally transported 94 individuals of turtles and lizards into Vietnam, and were arrested by An Giang border forces.

On July 26, news from Long Binh Border Gate Border Guard Station (Border Guards of An Giang Province) said that the unit had just been in secret uniform, detected a case of transporting wild animals across the border, and seized 52 lizards and lizards. 42 individual turtles of all kinds.

Turtles and iguanas (in net bags) illegally transported from Cambodia to Vietnam, detected and seized by An Giang border guards

Previously, at 2:10 am on July 24, the Long Binh border guard station coordinated to patrol and control the Hau River area bordering Cambodia, in An Hoa hamlet, Khanh An commune, An Phu district, An province. Giang, discovered 3 people carrying objects from the motorboat to the shore with suspicious signs, so they should conduct an inspection. Discovered, the group of people took advantage of the night to escape, leaving behind a motorboat carrying 10 cartons containing many turtles and iguanas.

Conducting an inspection of the surrounding riverbank area, the working group discovered 3 more sacks containing many turtles and iguanas. Through the tally, the patrol force recorded a total of 52 iguanas, 42 turtles, with a total weight of nearly 335 kg. The working group brought vehicles and exhibits to Long Binh Border Gate for further investigation and clarification.

The Long Binh border gate guard station has handed over all exhibits to the Forest Protection Department of An Giang province to await handling. At the same time, coordinate with relevant authorities to investigate and handle the case according to regulations.

Source: Báo Thanh Niên

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