

Police are clarifying the cause of 6 rhinos raised at the zoo died simultaneously. The dead rhinos were 2-horned rhinoceros (Sumatran rhinoceros), each weighing more than 1 ton and all of them were sampled and destroyed.

Rhinos are raised in ecological zone. Photo: M.T

Regarding the case of 6 dead rhinos in the ecological zone in Dien Lam commune, Dien Chau district, Nghe An province, on the afternoon of September 20, talking with a reporter of Dan Viet Newspaper, Mr. Tang Van Luyen – Chairman The People’s Committee of Dien Chau district said the locality had received information about the incident. It is not clear what caused the death of these rhinos.

Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan – Deputy Director of Nghe An Forest Protection Department said that 6 rhinos died simultaneously on September 16. Immediately after receiving the information, the Forest Protection Department, Nghe An Provincial Police intervened to investigate.

“The 6 dead rhinos are two-horned rhinoceroses in Africa, imported by the ecological zone, each weighing more than 1 ton. Currently, the police have examined the scene and sent samples to Hanoi for testing to find out the cause of the death of 6 rhinos. Currently, these 6 rhinos have been destroyed following the correct procedure “- Mr. Tuan added.

Meanwhile, the representative of the zoo where 6 rhinos died also confirmed that after 6 rhinos died, they immediately followed the procedures in accordance with regulations. Currently, the matter is being clarified by the investigation agency, and the zoo representative refused to provide information about the dead rhinos.

The 6 rhinos that died at the same time were all two-horned rhinoceros. (Illustrated photo)

The ecological area where 6 rhinos died simultaneously has a total area of ​​300 hectres in Dien Lam commune, Dien Chau district, Nghe An province. It has a wild zoo with 70 species of animals, more than 2,000 individuals, including many rare animals such as white tigers, rhinoceros, saber-horned antelopes, giraffes, etc.

Source: Dân Việt

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