
Unveiling the Truth Behind the Bear Bile Trade in Hanoi

The commune of Phung Thuong, Phuc Tho district, Hanoi, has long been known as one of the largest bear bile farming areas in the North. In 2006, the Government issued Decree No. 32/2006/NĐ-CP on the management of forest plants, endangered and rare wild animals, including sun bears and moon bears in the list of protected species, prohibiting their exploitation and use for commercial purposes. Therefore, the scene of bear bile trade is no longer seen here.

Currently, there are nearly 90 captive bears in Phung Thuong commune. (Photo: Dan Viet newspaper)

According to information from the Hanoi Forest Management Department, there are currently nearly 90 captive bears in Phung Thuong commune. Although many households have signed commitments not to extract bile, not to trade in bear bile, and some households have written voluntary applications to transfer a few bears to the Vietnam Bear Rescue Center, the reality is far from that. The illegal trade in bear bile is still taking place secretly.

Bear cages in the house of the person offering to buy bear bile. (Photo: Dan Viet newspaper)

According to a reportage conducted by Dan Viet newspaper, many locals are still secretly extracting and trading bear bile illegally. When the reporter expressed their intention to buy bear bile, many people affirmed that “no one sells here”, but there were still people who invited the guests to come and see the “goods” at their place. After entering the house, this person took out a red nylon bag, containing many small jars, “Each jar is 1cc, each cc is sold for 70,000 dong, if you need to use it, store it carefully, keep it in the freezer or freezer can be 6 months.”

After Dan Viet newspaper published information about this situation, the Forest Management Department immediately took action. On July 17, 2024, the Forest Management Department sent an official dispatch No. 824/KL-DN to the Hanoi City Forest Management Department, requesting verification of the information and strict handling of violations. This document, signed by Deputy Director of the Forest Management Department Ha Hai Binh, clearly states that it is necessary to check, verify and clarify the responsibilities of related organizations and individuals. If violations are found, they must be handled strictly in accordance with the law.

It can be seen that the secret trade in bear bile is a serious problem that needs to be thoroughly resolved. Only when there is close coordination between the authorities, local governments and the community can we put an end to this problem and protect the endangered bear species.

Source: Dan Viet newspaper

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