

On the “black market”, raising an individual tiger to adulthood and then selling it, people can earn billions of dong; One ounce of tiger nut costs from 25 to 35 million VND, depending on “quality”. The price of this illegal product has been blown up so high, that the tigers in captivity, illegally trading tigers, despite the appeal of morality, despite the strict prison sentences, just rush in like burning.

Vietnam’s law on this field is increasingly strict, many cases of killing tigers and cooking tigers have been arrested – in some cases, sentences of up to ten years in prison. In addition to the COVID-19 epidemic raging for several years, the subjects sometimes withdrew into underground activities on the internet and social networks; sometimes “raise” themselves with sophisticated tricks never seen before. The “virtual world” trades in tigers, it’s like a cunning variant of the virus before our antibodies and vaccines.

Bet on houses and lives

The tricks of the tiger cubs, illegally raising tigers, transporting, trading, and cooking tiger soup in Vietnam or from abroad to Vietnam are all quite similar. That is using social networks and the internet in a very sophisticated way. When many social networking platforms have not “sweetened” strongly images of killing, exposing bodies, discharging meat, gore, and other wildlife-related violations, they “sell in the virtual world” rampant… The “virtual market” but the death that tigers and many rare animals suffer is very real.

They do not meet the transaction objects face-to-face, when calling or chatting through applications, they always ask to indicate the “password”, who was introduced. Where is the name, age, address, facebook account, zalo of the referrer? They are on the lookout for disguised transactions to investigate and arrest.

Tiger skin for sale on “virtual market”

At the time of the transaction, they also let the shipper (the carrier) bring the goods, if caught, it is just a link.. “I don’t know what’s in the bag”.

“Not even a tiger’s fur can cross the border, otherwise…”

Objects are constantly cooking and selling, earning super profits, so how do they import, export, and develop their network without being tracked, arrested, or handled?

They raise tigers in Laos, even raise tigers in Africa (Vietnamese tycoons), and then cook them and bring them back by air, introducing them to customs as… jelly. This jelly dish we all love, “eat” is very delicious. The customs uncle kept bewildered: “Vietnamese people like to eat jelly so much!”. It is a way of circumventing the law that surprises anyone, but it is a fact that this writer has witnessed, investigated, and the subjects were properly arrested.

On the road, tigers raise farms in Laos, feed chickens and pigs discarded from farms, meat from livestock and poultry that have died from disease, or meat from surplus wholesale stalls that do not know where to throw. Tiger subspecies are mixed, inbreeding indiscriminately. Therefore, the supply of tiger cubs for illegal tiger farming villages in Vietnam is mostly from Laos, some from Thailand.

How to carry big tigers and small tigers across the border into Vietnam? Firstly, the border is many hundreds of kilometers long, along many provinces and cities, where people “carrying” tigers (and many wild species) can “illegally enter”. Especially when they only carry the tiger skin and bones, the rest is left behind. Second, the videos, audio recordings, and elaborate investigative articles published by reputable reporters all describe: there is evidence that some people have “turned a blind eye” to bringing tigers into Vietnam. Others, bring tigers from Indonesia, Thailand, and Brunei to Vietnam by sea.

Tiger farming is also very sophisticated. They dug a dark tunnel, sealed it, and carefully concealed the countless roars of tigers in the underground territory. Then split the markets to buy beef and chicken for the tigers.

Unauthorized display of tiger specimens publicly

Usually, they bring frozen tigers to cook everywhere. Bring back from abroad, but rarely transport a whole tiger, because it may growl and scream easily. Raising “the thirty man” along the way is also difficult and dangerous. Therefore, the price of whole fresh tigers is always much higher than frozen ones. When transporting, they anesthetize the tiger, and when delivered, they make “Lord Son Lam” awake for a few minutes, then the tiger is electrocuted and then killed immediately. They threw tiger bones into the cauldron of fire for 7 days and nights. Tigers are killed, all meat and organs removed, and only the whole skeleton is dropped into their complete skin when transporting. That’s called “clothes”. The skin like a raincoat covering the skeleton does not lack a single detail, from the toes “toes and hands” to the most important part is the tiger patella (knee bone) shaped like a phoenix eye (round hole to look at). passable). “Phoenix eye” is still considered a “certificate” of identity for commitment: the skeleton belongs to a tiger, not another species.


When doing big business and getting used to termites, subjects rarely ask for tiger skin, head, and fur. But they only need the cleaned skeleton to cook high. They also know that tiger meat is full of transnational chemicals, so they rarely eat it. Besides, when it comes to catching a tiger skeleton that’s been trafficked and used illegally, it’s difficult for the authorities, also afraid to handle – without the “important cues” of the tiger’s head, skin, and fur. “If I was caught and only had a pot of tiger bones or cooked bones, no tiger skin, head or legs, I would be 80% safe” said Tam “tiger”, the boss of a tiger trader in Cao Bang revealed trick.

Objects taking advantage of the above should sometimes carry only a few bones hidden in a sack, compact and quite safe. It’s the end of a billion-dollar business.

“Tiger… mixed” includes chemicals, toxic additives, and stimulants

The common tricks of the subjects are: using videos and photos to post to groups on social networks to sell. They usually sell some cheap wild species, or sell some products such as tiger skin, tiger “hand, and foot” skin, claws, and tiger fangs. Then gradually solicited conversation to sell the whole tiger. They consider those virtual “booths” as a place to probe customers, gradually filtering out suspicious guests. In particular, they collect videos of killing tigers, raising tigers in a certain wilderness, images of someone cooking hot tiger soup day and night, the whole floor is streaked with tigers being killed… to create a belief in a line. big, important, luxury.

They developed their network by whispering to each other, sending pictures through social networks that I was about to cook a tiger, and whoever shared the money came to drink for 7 days and nights and had a “genuine” high-pot soup…. Just like that, rumors spread… They also smeared red soil on the tiger’s paws, pretending to be wild for the tigers, and even spread the news that it was a farm tiger, but it was missed in the semi-wild area for a few dozen years ago to try “high-quality goods”… just like wild tigers.

Those who are gullible will fall into the trap of buying from those websites. The “tiger bone” they buy can be made from the bones of buffaloes, cows, horses, dogs, and pigs, and then add opium or other stimulants and pain relievers. The first is to let the pot be high it’s cheap. The second is stimulants, new drugs (including opium) that will make the user feel elated and euphoric. Then they think that the tiger is too good and promotes the famous effect. In fact, even a real tiger is still a tiger raised in a dungeon, he has never seen the sun in his life, and his body is full of chemicals when taking care of, freezing, and transporting. So, high that the drink is toxic.

The trick of the subjects is to always create… the myth of “the lord of the jungle”, even though the tiger “grandparents” have never been old enough to call him “grandpa”, or “sir”, nor have they ever seen the forest.

And yet, after slaughtering, tigers are given preservatives, and other types of color-preserving and odor-preserving solutions. Tiger bone, which is also injected with the solution into the spinal cord, drops more viscous liquids and powder/plaster fake tiger bone marrow… to gain weight. When cooked high, they put dog bones, pig bones, opium, modern medicines, turtle shells, and all goods of unknown origin.

Tiger bone glue and tiger skin.

Cheapest medicine, they just drop a few anti-inflammatory pills into the high pot; accompanied by a little opium, the drinker feels high. Gradually, many customers “addicted” too tall tigers, and spent mountains of money serving the “fake tiger bone” merchants; I don’t know, I’m showing signs of losing money. Another thing is white lime residue. Put in a pot of tiger soup, in order to increase the weight, it creates a white substance that is deposited in the glass of wine mixed with “tiger Cao”, which makes guests think: it’s really high, drinking it must “precipitate white” (like folklore) like this! The goal is to get a high number from a tiger skeleton, through “padded everything”. Because each pound of tiger, the black market price is more than 300 million VNĐ.


Source:  Báo Công Lý

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