
Application to Prevent Elephant-Human Conflicts

The rapid urbanization has significantly reduced the natural habitats of wildlife, particularly elephants, leading to increasingly severe conflicts between humans and wild elephants. This situation is common in India, the world’s most populous country.

Assam, a state in northeastern India, is home to the country’s second-largest elephant population, with around 5,700 elephants and growing. According to the wildlife conservation organization Aaranyak, from 2017 to 2022, over 200 elephants and more than 400 people died in these conflicts.

A herd of elephants is crossing the highway in the state of Assam, India. (Photo: AFP)

To address this issue, Aaranyak launched an application called HaatiApp, which uses real-time data from sensors and tracking devices. The app allows users to monitor elephant movements and receive recommendations to avoid dangerous areas. Additionally, users can report sightings of elephants, including cases where elephants are injured or crops are damaged.

“This application serves as an early warning system if wild elephants appear near residential areas, helping people prevent risks caused by elephants,” Aaranyak stated. They also released a guidebook providing information on using solar-powered fences to deter elephants from entering populated areas.

HaatiApp exemplifies the application of technology in conservation efforts, protecting humans from the risks of wildlife conflicts while fostering a better understanding of the importance of coexistence with elephants and other wildlife species.

Source: Thanh Niên Newspaper

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